Monday, June 24, 2013

Artist Spotlight - Bradley Hart

You may have noticed from some of my past posts that I really enjoy when people use everyday, ordinary things to create amazing art. Like Jessica Drenk and her pencil sculptures or Rob Mulholland's mirror sculptures. Well Bradley Hart is another artist who uses a unique medium for this works... Can you guess what it is? 

How about we go in a little closer...

Have you figured it out? One more picture just in case...

The answer is Bubble wrap!

Each bubble is injected with acrylic paint and the excess runs down the back of the painting.

It takes hundreds of hours (an average of about 150) for Hart to complete a bubblewrap portrait like these.

Here's a little bit about his inspiration:
"The idea of using bubble wrap came from a few experiences where overzealous museum security guards instructed patrons not to touch works of art and a left over roll of bubble from wrapping my first solo show in NYC. After researching the material, I found that bubble wrap was originally invented in 1957 as a modern form of wall covering; an experiment or product that failed."

I think my favorite aspect of Hart's work is the amalgamation of analog and digital aesthetics to create something truly inspirational and original. 

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